Saturday, 01 March 2008 16:21 |
DADHC came to visit and assess Beth yesterday. The visit was really good - one of their Physiotherapists was able to come out at the same time - and Beth really liked her a lot - she got a lot of smiles and talking! The have recommended that Beth start Physio immediately and that we also have at least one visit immediately from the speech therapist just to check her feeding and swallowing is all ok. Occupational therapy will come a bit later, and will involve things like the high chair etc but the Physio will cover that in a basic way for the moment. Physio will come at least once a fortnight, and she was very happy with how Beth is going already. Check out the new developmental section which will keep you updated on Beth's milestones and what therapies she is getting, and tell you what the Physio said this time. The speech therapist should contact us next week to make an appointment. We discussed quite a few things with them, and they mentioned they have a new "DNA" team (about development not about physical DNA) which has a Developmental Paediatrician specialising in disability available. It may be something we can use as we go along. In addition they provided us information about a genetic counseller and geneticist that we can contact as well. We also asked about nutrition - we wanted to get some information before Beth starts on solids about any supplements/dietary things that might be of benefit for Beth. They recommended talking to Pharmacists, Dietician or perhaps a naturopath with experience with babies. The Sydney Children's hospital might have a dietician which could assist. Unfortunately, Beth's also come down with her first cold - thanks to Daddy we think... anyhow she's been pretty clogged up poor thing... and causing us some concerns with lots of gurgling and sneezing during the night, so we've not had as much sleep over the last couple of nights. |
Wednesday, 27 February 2008 16:21 |
DADHC finally contacted us back and have booked in to come and visit and assess Beth on the 29th February. We cancelled the appointment we had with the Neurologist on this day as we don't really have that much to discuss with him until we see DADHC and other folks. |
Eye specialist; Vision Australia and DADHC |
Wednesday, 20 February 2008 16:22 |
Beth had her appointment with the eye specialist today. He had to put some drops in to dilate her eyes, but after examining them, he says they are all normal. The little white spot in her left eye is a form of cateract, but it's size and position mean that it should not effect her eyesight at all, or at worst 2% or so. It is something she will have all her life - there is no need to operate and he wouldn't recommend it. Vision Australia also got back to us and they will be coming out to visit us on the 4th March to meet Beth and discuss options with us. DADHC also advised us that Beth has been deemed eliglible for support, and they will be sending out someone to assess her sometime soon hopefully. |
Contacted DADHC and Vision Australia |
Thursday, 07 February 2008 16:22 |
DADHC returned our call and is going to come out and assess Beth within the next two weeks. From there they will then arrange for physio, occupational and speech therapy as she needs it. We also contacted Vision Australia (previously Royal Blind Society), and they are going to also assess Beth to provide at the least some advice and help in stimulating Beth's vision. We are waiting on the next step with them. |
Wednesday, 06 February 2008 17:34 |
The Paed told us that Beth did seem to be falling behind a little in regards to her head control and her torso strength. Visual tracking also seemed to be a little poorer than would be expected. He advised increasing tummy time with her. |
Visit to the Paediatrician |
Wednesday, 06 February 2008 16:23 |
Our paed was happy with Beth's leg and arm muscles and movements, and she has good flexibility but her neck and torso muscles are a little weak. More tummy time for Beth to strengthen these, it might be a long process. We have been referred to DADHC (Dept of Aging, Disability and Home Care) who will provide the various physio, occupational and speech therapies Beth will require. Beth is still growing well, now 4.51Kg and is between the 5th and 10th percentile average weights on the growth chart. Beth has also been eating a bit more of late, we think she's going through a little growth spurt!!! She's also given us heaps of smiles and little laughs over the last day as well. |
Special Church Service to Pray for Beth |
Friday, 01 February 2008 16:24 |
Thank you to all that came along - it was a wonderful expression of Love and of the preciousness of the family of God. We greatly appreciate your support and your prayers and we know the Lord has a wonderful plan and purpose in all of this, despite us not fully understanding it. |
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