Home Latest Updates Beth Still not well
Saturday, 06 February 2010 21:37

Beth Still Not Well


We have had a dfficult week - Beth is still not feeling very well - has been very sleepy and has also developed a cough.  A few vomits also, and she is down on her food.  The fevers have stopped, which is great and we have seen the pediatrician twice, and Beth is now on an antibiotic as a preventative of any infection due to increased mucas/congestion on her chest.


Leonid (ABR) has posted a new blog message which is interesting around the use of standers, which made a lot of sense - as our physio is looking into a stander for Beth, this will come in useful and we wil be discussing it with her - http://blyum.typepad.com/on_abr_and_beyond/2010/02/cerebral-palsy-peacenick-practicalities-taming-the-standing-frame.ht


We also looked at car seats with out occupational therapist this week - we had look at the Columbia special needs seat, but it is very utilitarian and Beth just doesn't look comfortable in it - it is a bit bigger.  We also looked at the Safe N Sound Maxirider AHR, which is not special needs but we have heard from a number of families that have adapted with them well, and the therapist says its a common choice.  Beth actually looked quite good in it, so we plan to get that so that the new bub can have Beth's current seat.


Thanks for all your prayers for Beth, they are valued, we hope she gets better soon and the seizures reduce.

Last Updated on Saturday, 06 February 2010 21:52